2009年4月22日 星期三
What is life all about...
At first...
All was just fine...
Untill she appeared...
She pushed me to a corner...
I have to stand before the options...
I have to choose my own path...
Ya i admit it...i do have feelings towards you before...
Ya i did wished to be with you before...
Ya i admit it...
But all the while i have been confused...
I am forced to make my choice...
I am standing at a cross junction...ready to make my choice...
No one was around me to guide me...
I know i have to make my own choice...
I have to choose...
It is not his fault...
ya ...he did told me something about you...
But that's not the reason i made this choice...
I love her...i always do...It will always be the same...
I dont care if she accept me anot...
I just wan2 love her...and it will be her forever...
Sorry to hurt your feelings...but i just wan2 end this...
I have made my choice...
I chose my own path...
the genius killed @ 晚上11:13
Short update...
My life is all screwed up and that's all...
I dont know where was the courage came from...but it just sorta burst out from me...
I told her...
And after that i became so relax and happy...
Maybe it had came to an end...
Ya it is the end...
There is nothing i can do...
It's the end...
the genius killed @ 凌晨2:30
2009年4月10日 星期五
3:49, Friday
Today our school off cause of the "good friday"...stay at home don't know what to do...so serve the internet and found many funny stuffs haha.

I hope this mother can just stop laughing and start to care for her son more...

Such a cute dog isin't it xP

Does the boy usually pees on other people's head? O.o
the genius killed @ 凌晨12:45
2009年4月7日 星期二
3th of Apirl
Went for photo taking for Geografi project lampiran with Agnes, Chung Weng, Lek Chong, Wen Jun and Fong Yen. At first, Agnes's mother drove us around the area of Petaling Jaya while we took the photo we need for the project in a speeding car, hard to focus by this speed :P Anyway, after that we went to Bukit Gasing and decided to take some photo there...but the problem is Agnes's mother didn't know where is Bukit Gasing, although some of us knew where is the entrance but she refused to listen to us ...haha XD By the end, she finally listened to us and set a time limit of 3 minits for us to take photo is there cause he thought there was abit danger inside there haha.
Anyway, we went inside and take take take photo. And after that, some of them could not caught up with us. So just me, Chung Weng and Lek Chong went further into the jungle. We r determined to reach the first bridge which separates that hill with another hill. We were quite tired and were sweating like mad already but still, we wanted to reach our destination. Or else, what's the point coming in so deep into the jungle haha. So we went in deeper but we just couldn't see any bridge ahead of us...wanted to give every second=IBut we just continued to walk ...And after about 15 minutes i think, we reached the bridge where we r supposed to take photo .. made us three so happy...finally reached haha ...
We took photo of it with ourselfs and rest for a while ...cause really too tired dy "/
After that i nearly killed myself bcoz we still need to run back down the hill...( Agnes called us every second and shouted at us to come back down) LOL XD
It took us roughly 10 minutes to reach the bottom of the hill cause we ran down...got abit delayed cause of Lek Chong's sudden need of pee hahaha XDHe was so shy though we r all boys and refuse to pee when we go near him X))(Took a photo of him pee-ing )LOL XDD Agnes's mother's car was no where to be seen cause she was fed up and drove away, left us there at Bukit Gasing don't know what to do -..-hahaWe were so damn happy and shocked when we saw her car came back for us...she was not so "can ren" after all >_- heh. Such a good person she is.
Wen Jun acting cool X)

All going in some kind of place which is a combination of churh and kindergarden i think.. took photo...what a funny picture XD

Playing gay nowadays is very common you know...you see i am not lying...you can see people fu***** each other in public lol XP
the genius killed @ 晚上11:41
Some times...i just dont understand...why couldn't i live a normal life...just a normal life...
Why should it always have to be complicated?...so complicated...A life full of problems...
I tried my best...my very best...
But ....
Why cant you just admit my limit...Why? I just dont understand...
Why cant i just live a normal life...Why are you just have to ruin it for your own sake...
Hello?!!! I have a limit...every person has a limit...I am tired of this...Hey
i dint sign up for this man!!!Can you just stop it...
Let me breathe!!!!!
the genius killed @ 凌晨12:09
2009年4月4日 星期六
3th of Apirl
Today seems to be a fine day. But when i was late to school and had to stand in front of the perhimpunan...All went wrong...
I stand there untill the perhimpunan is over...then joyce ask another girl who was also late to go back to class. But left me there standing.. after that she turned around and spoke to me. she asked me to take out all the things in my pocket. So i just took out ...but left my phone inside..but she was not satisfied. she then touch my pocket and touched my phone.i was like "
OH SHIT!!! "
The things happened after that you can guess...joyce called my parents and asked them to come to skul and take the phone for me.
Luckily, i dint get any punishment...should i be happy for that?
the genius killed @ 下午6:06
2009年4月1日 星期三
1st of April...
Today's April Fool =)
Been chased out of the class by miss so called " Puan Hew"... (cause dint do projek and din bring text book._.) lol. Had a nice time outside the class with a couple of friends . haha=P Chat loudly and keng "sam si"...hahaha. Take photo together too...Mr. Cairson and Chong Yie Wei gao gei som more-.- lol. Then halfway suddenly Puan Joyce passed by while we taking "quan ti zhao"... She nearly saw my phone and nearly get caught...But who knows that old lady was too blind to notice it and just pass by without a backward glance!!! Man! I was like "what happen to the world? I seems to be so lucky!"Hey Puan Joyce i recommend you to go and buy a new spec...lao hua yen hard to catch student ! LOL XDD
...Here are some of the pictures...

They both thought they were super models...what a laugh...lol joking XD
Which poss nicer anyway?? 0.0

Mr. Chong Yie Wei asked me to take a picture for him and sell it on my blog. Seriously anyone wants to buy this picture?? O.o hahaha jk

He just love to play with the wall...(;

Wanna fight izit!!

This two just cant stop playing gay-ing...haihs-..-
Now is when blind Joyce passed by...can you see him behind there?...
He just cant stop pointing out his middle finger...naughty boy...hahaha
Think of cutting it away from his hand....lol
the genius killed @ 清晨5:21